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Organic Food Sayings
- Made natural just for you.
- Be smart, eat smart.
- Just for the health of it.
- Natural and chemical-free.
- Tastes natural every time.
- Beware what you eat, it becomes part of you.
- Climb the Healthy Food ladder to happiness.
- Grown from a chemical-free farm.
- You won’t regret the natural taste.
- Fuel your life, the natural way.
- Nurture through nature.
- Know the real deal about your meal!
- Better you will feel if you eat a natural meal
- Natural food just tastes better.
- Free of chemicals every time.
- A natural future begins now.
- Eat right. Work hard. Feel good.
- Keep calm and eat natural.
- Eat the best, leave the rest.
आयुः सत्वबलारोग्य सुखः प्रीति विवर्धना रस्याः स्निग्धा : स्थिरा हृद्धया आहाराः सात्विक प्रियाः
आयु बढ़ाने वाला आहार, ह्रदय को बल,सुख तथा तृप्ति प्रदान करने वाला आहार, जीवन को खुश करने वाला आहार सात्विक मनुष्यों को प्रिय होता है|